Will I be that man

Will I be that man that sits at a bar and sits at a bar and talks about all his great qualities, and his vision to succeed, machismo ego, almost demanding an opinion, and afraid of the reality of the truth?
  Whiskey neat beer back.
Whats your opinion on this?
My opinion doesn't matter, it has no credit, no success reference in an assist, my decision brings me here everyday, to get my buzz for free.
 I know i don't look like a typical drunk, don't let these good looks fool you, if you look close enough you can see the map of my tears.  i get by cause my bank is always right.
 I'm what you call a genius with numbers,  i dream with numbers, i had a wet dream with zero, i really like that number, not much to it but a hole.
what an imagination.
my mom said that the mind is a terrible thing to waste.  she said that our mind is where we could fantasize our future.
 My future is so real...
 this round is on the house.


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